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About Geri Paige

Mindset Coach. Strategic Advisor. Entrepreneur.

Hi, I'm Geri Paige

I’m a writer, transformational mindset coach, strategic pathway advisor, and founder of The Now Experiment.


With freedom as my North Star, I’m deeply passionate about helping you reclaim your vitality and power so you can create a life and work you love. 


I spent a decade as a startup and corporate leader specializing in making ideas come to life. I redirected my passion for kickstarting change into my work as a freedom-focused coach and entrepreneur. I’ve had the joy of helping hundreds of vision-driven clients awaken to their potential, master their minds, and develop pathways to achieve their wildest goals.

At my core, I'm a storyteller and a writer. I hold a degree in Journalism and I’ve worked as a professional content strategist and creator for 15 years. I love sharing the power of information, insight, and inspiration to invite people to their highest potential and expand them into possibility.

"Geri is kind, confident, creative, and intelligent. Her energy is certainly contagious and you can feel the impact immediately!"

Cory C.

My Journey to Now

My life and work are enthusiastically devoted to exploring the big questions - Why are we here? What is our potential? What is a well-lived life? - but, this wasn’t always the case.

Climbing the Ladder of Life

I spent so many years doing unfulfilling work to achieve goals that weren’t really mine, while living a depleting lifestyle that I thought was the only option. I diligently climbed the prescribed ladder of life one rung at a time - from overachieving grade school student to full-scholarship grad to intensely industrious corporate climber - until I found myself with more rungs behind me than ahead of me, and no desire to keep climbing. 

I realized I had sacrificed the enjoyment of countless moments for the promise of a more enjoyable tomorrow that hadn't arrived, even though the money and "success" had. I'd steamrolled through my life’s moments to achieve major milestones and settled for a life of overwhelm and burnout to create someone else’s definition of success.

It was around this time that I started wondering what the point of it all was.

My Reclamation

Eventually, I stepped away from the prescribed ladder of life and set down the path of experimental discovery.

I spent 5 years diving into the deep end of life, dancing with the big questions and expanding my experiential horizons. I lived in a jungle commune in Puerto Rico, performed sacred rituals in the temples of Bali, spent a week meditating in Mexico, and pursued countless other potent experiences in exploration of what it means to wake up and come all the way alive.

This exploration, including my practices, studies and trainings in modalities such as transformational mindset coaching, mentorship, meditation, somatic practices, and time and energy management, have led me to the heart of my work today: reclaiming the now.

Reclaiming The Now

I founded The Now Experiment after realizing that the key to coming all the way alive, to living our moments deeply and creating meaningful milestones, is to reclaim our now.

I believe in discovering the expanded potential of our life’s moments and milestones. I’m passionate about balancing our doing and being such that we can embrace our now and ignite our tomorrow. And despite what we’ve been taught, I know that when we live more deeply and well now, we will also live more deeply and well tomorrow.


The practice of now is a life-changing endeavor. I hope you’ll join me in experiencing it.

Geri Paige

Get to Know Me Facts

  • I'm trained in standup comedy and improv. My first comedy set was in front of 100+ people.

  • I’ve spent nearly a year total as a digital nomad traveling and living out of 2 suitcases.

  • I once spent nearly 40 hours meditating in one week. 

  • I'm a certified Reiki practitioner and trained intuitive.

  • I've been 100% alcohol-free since August 2020.

  • My travel adventures include swimming in a cave with a crocodile, a sunrise hot air balloon ride over the Arabian Desert, dining in the Eiffel Tower, swimming in an active volcano's caldera, and playing with monkeys in Bali.

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